.com.ba format
- Min-length:
- 3
- Max-length:
- 63
- Purely numeric domain:
- No
- Hyphen:
- Allowed (middle only). Neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions
- IDN :
- No
.com.ba period
- Registration delay:
- 25 working days
.com.ba some facts
- Introduced:
- 1996
- Registry:
- University Telinformatic Centre
- Dispute Resolution Policy:
- View
Conditions for domain names
Are individual Bosnia and Herzegovina .com.ba registrations allowed? - Yes.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for Bosnia and Herzegovina .com.ba? - Yes. For legal entities This must be completed in full on screen, signed by the Registrant's Legal Representative, stamped and returned to OWEXX in ORIGINAL. Note: the Registry will only accept the signed and stamped Bosnian version of the document. Ensure that the section "The domain will be used for..." is filled in correctly. Fields filled in the English version will automatically update the Bosnian version and vice versa. For individuals documents must be filled out on screen, printed, signed, stamped and returned to OWEXX in ORIGINAL. 2. Additional document required for domestic citizens: a copy of any valid identity document with a photograph (personal card, passport, driving license etc). 3. Additional document required for foreign citizens: a copy of passport or valid certification of the residence on Bosnia and Herzegovina territory.
Are some .com.ba domain names restricted? - Yes. Registering trademarks owned by third parties, obvious injury of the society moral norms are prohibited.
Are there any additional fees for .com.ba? - No.
Company or legal entities registrations allowed for Bosnia and Herzegovina .com.ba? - Yes.
Do I need a trademark / brand name to register .com.ba? - No.
Does domain .com.ba have a special use? - No.
No details or other information I need to know about .com.ba? - No.
WHOIS Privacy service available for .com.ba? - No.