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Domain names .MEMORIAL

.memorial domain name for other use

Domain name search

Enter desired domain name

.memorial format

Purely numeric domain:

.memorial period

Renewal period:
Renewal increment:
Subscription period:
Registration delay:
1 working day

.memorial some facts


Conditions for domain names

1 and 2 character domains are not currently allowed during any phase.

.memorial domain registration prices

Services TLD Period Price
Register domain name .memorial, 1 year for other use - .memorial 1 € 49.95
Register domain name .memorial, 2 years for other use - .memorial 2 € 99.90
Register domain name .memorial, 3 years for other use - .memorial 3 € 149.85
Register domain name .memorial, 4 years for other use - .memorial 4 € 199.80
Register domain name .memorial, 5 years for other use - .memorial 5 € 249.75
Register domain name .memorial, 6 years for other use - .memorial 6 € 299.70
Register domain name .memorial, 7 years for other use - .memorial 7 € 349.65
Register domain name .memorial, 8 years for other use - .memorial 8 € 399.60
Register domain name .memorial, 9 years for other use - .memorial 9 € 449.55
Register domain name .memorial, 10 years for other use - .memorial 10 € 499.50

.memorial domain renewal prices

Services TLD Period Price
Renew domain .memorial, 1 year for other use - .memorial 1 € 49.95
Renew domain .memorial, 2 years for other use - .memorial 2 € 99.90
Renew domain .memorial, 3 years for other use - .memorial 3 € 149.85
Renew domain .memorial, 4 years for other use - .memorial 4 € 199.80
Renew domain .memorial, 5 years for other use - .memorial 5 € 249.75
Renew domain .memorial, 6 years for other use - .memorial 6 € 299.70
Renew domain .memorial, 7 years for other use - .memorial 7 € 349.65
Renew domain .memorial, 8 years for other use - .memorial 8 € 399.60
Renew domain .memorial, 9 years for other use - .memorial 9 € 449.55
Renew domain .memorial, 10 years for other use - .memorial 10 € 499.50

.memorial domain other prices

Services TLD Price
Contact update, .memorial for other use - .memorial € 15.00
Name server update, .memorial for other use - .memorial € 16.00
Owner change, .memorial for other use - .memorial € 49.95
Registrant details update, .memorial for other use - .memorial € 15.00
Restore domain, .memorial for other use - .memorial € 135.00
Transfer, .memorial for other use - .memorial € 49.95

Keywords for other use domain names

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