.us format
- Min-length:
- 3
- Max-length:
- 63
- Purely numeric domain:
- Yes
- Hyphen:
- Allowed (middle only). Neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions.
.us period
- Renewal period:
- 1
- Renewal increment:
- 1
- Subscription period:
- 1
- Registration delay:
- 1 working day
.us some facts
- Introduced:
- 1985
- Registry:
- Neustar
Conditions for domain names
Are individual United States .us registrations allowed? - Yes.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for United States .us? - A citizen or business entity should provide valid contact information in the United States or it's territories. Foreign entities maintaining an office in the U.S may apply, country of citizenship is required. Domains may not resemble telephone numbers or ZIP codes.
Are some .us domain names restricted? - Violating rights to third parties, names and activities against the laws of the United States and the usTLD Administrator is prohibited.
Are there any additional fees for .us? - No.
Company or legal entities registrations allowed for United States .us? - Yes.
Do I need a trademark / brand name to register .us? - No.
No details or other information I need to know about .us? - Nameservers must be physically located in the U.S. Transfers to third parties is prohibited without express consent of the registry.
WHOIS Privacy service available for .us? - No.