.corsica formatas
- Minimalus ilgis:
- 3
- Maksimalus ilgis:
- 63
- Domenas iš skaičių:
- Nežinoma
- Brūkšnelis:
- Allowed (middle only). Neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions
- IDN palaikymas:
- No
.corsica terminai
.corsica keletas faktų
- Įdiegtas:
- 2015
- Domeno privatumas:
- Whois privacy service is available
Domeno vardo sąlygos
Ar domeno miestams / regionams .corsica registracija leidžiama individualiam asmeniui? - Taip.
Ar yra reikalavimų, dokumentų ar informacijos, kurią reikėtų žinoti apie domeną miestams / regionams .corsica? - Yes. Individual or a legal entity may register (or renew) a .corsica domain name if it meets at least one of the criteria detailed below: a) Legal entity in Corsica –A company headquartered in Corsica or company having its head office outside Corsica but a secondary establishment registered in Corsica. b) Individuals living in Corsica - The applicant may be a French or foreign citizen with a physical address valid on the territory of Corsica. c) Nexus to the Corsican community Diaspora and link to the Corsican community – Any individual who has and will prove a direct or indirect link attachment (economic, social, cultural, familial, historical or otherwise) with Corsica.
Ar yra kokių nors papildomų mokesčių domenui .corsica? - No.
Ar miestams / regionams .corsica registracija leidžiama įmonėms arba juridiniams asmenims? - Taip.
Ar .corsica domeno registravimui reikalingas prekės ženklas? - Ne.
Ar .corsica turi ypatingą panaudojimą? - No.
Ar yra kitos informacijos, kurią reikėtų žinoti apie domeną .corsica? - Yes. When the Registrant no longer meets the eligibility criteria, they should contact their Registrar as soon as possible and in any case within 14 calendar days after a change in circumstances that may cause his ineligibility in the light of the criteria established and request that the domain name be cancelled, locked, put on hold, transferred, or deleted.
Ar domenui .corsica prieinama WHOIS privatumo paslauga? - Taip.