.bg formāts
- Domēns no skaitļiem:
- Jā
- Domuzīme:
- Leidžiamas (tik viduryje). Negali nei prasidėti, nei baigtis brūkšneliu, negali būti paeiliui trečioje ir ketvirtoje vietoje
- IDN atbalsts:
- Taip
.bg termini
- Atjaunināšanas periods:
- 1
- Pagarināšanas periods:
- 1
- Reģistrēšanas periods:
- 1
- Aktivizēšana:
- 30 darbo dienų
.bg daži fakti
- Reģistrs:
- Register.bg
- Domēna privātums:
- Negalimas
Domēna vārda nosacījumi
City-names are reserved for their respective municipalities or district governors.
Country names are reserved for their respective embassies or consulates.
Names such as ibm.bg or coca-cola.bg, which would likely be claimed by another applicant cannot be registered. Eligible domain names must be written using the following Cyrillic characters (no other characters are allowed):
а, б, в, г, д, е, ж, з, и, й, к, л, м, н, о, п, р, с, т, у, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, щ, ъ, ь, ю, я. The domain must contain at least ONE letter which can be visually distinguished from the Latin alphabet (capital and/or small letters): б, г, д, ж, и, й, л, п, ф, ц, ч, ш, щ, ъ, ь, ю, я .
Vai Bulgārija .bg reģistrācija ir atļauta individuālai personai? - Jā.
Vai ir prasības, dokumenti vai informācija, kura būtu jāzina par Bulgārija .bg? - Yes. The Registrant must be registered/resident in one of the EU Member States. Other Applicants can apply for domain names in the .bg namespace using a local agent. Any private person or legal entity within the European Union can register Bulgarian (.BG) domain name. Companies must provide a copy of Business Registration Certificate (BRC), mentioning the legal representative (as specified in the order and in the application form). A copy of the BRC must have "Verified with True to Original" statement (on each page of the BRC) and be signed, stamped and dated by applicant. Please note the BRC cannot be older than 6 months. Individuals must provide a copy of the Registrant's ID Document (Passport, Drivers License, etc.). A registration document must be properly completed, signed by the applicant's legal representative and sealed with the applicant's stamp. All documentation must be provided within 14 days, otherwise the domain registration will be postponed until all required documentation is provided.
Vai ir aizliegti .bg domēna vārdi? - Yes. Registering trademarks owned by third parties, names of countries, municipalities, obscene or abusive words, or contrary to public interest, generic names are all prohibited.
Vai Bulgārija .bg reģistrācija ir atļauta uzņēmumiem vai juridiskām personām? - Jā.
Vai .bg domēna reģistrēšanai nepieciešama preču zīme? - Nē.
Vai domēnam .bg ir īpašs pielietojums? - Ne.
Vai ir cita informācija, kuru vajadzētu zināt .bg? - Ne.
Vai domēnam .bg pieejams WHOIS privātuma pakalpojums? - Nē.